
Release name: <Not entered>
Release summary: Exupery, a native code compiler for Squeak.
Automatic version: 11
Manual version: 0.11
Published by: Bryce Kampjes (wbk)
Created: 15 February 2007 10:01:13 pm
Last updated: 28 February 2007 10:35:45 pm
Release note:

This release contains:
* primitives for #new and #@
* ExuperyMethodContext (allows full debugger support for compiled code)
* interrupt checking (allows Alt-. and profiling to work inside
compiled code)

Installation instructions are here:

The new primitive only works for pointer objects with less than 64
instance variables and are a fixed size (not Arrays). This covers most
uses inside Smalltalk, and the new primitive can be easily generalised
when there's a benchmark that requires it.

Here's the benchmarks:

arithmaticLoopBenchmark 1387 compiled 127 ratio: 10.920
bytecodeBenchmark 2139 compiled 484 ratio: 4.419
sendBenchmark 1582 compiled 728 ratio: 2.173
doLoopsBenchmark 1063 compiled 843 ratio: 1.261
pointCreation 1075 compiled 1030 ratio: 1.044
largeExplorers 585 compiled 595 ratio: 0.983
compilerBenchmark 474 compiled 454 ratio: 1.044
Cumulative Time 1058.337 compiled 521.541 ratio 2.028

Release homepage:
Download: http://www.squeaksource.com/Exupery/Exupery-wbk.241.mcz
SHA checksum: 58321567198170931472212923804619424345794637687
