
Release name: CurvierCurves-wiz
Release summary: CurvierCurves-wiz
Automatic version: 1
Manual version: (1.0)
Published by: <Not published yet>
Created: 3 January 2005 9:03:49 am
Last updated: 4 January 2005 12:51:19 am
Release note:

Play with me file for Curvier Curves.
Truly closed curves.
This release was saved in 3.9a so the project needs to be loaded into 3.9a.
Changeset (saved in project) should work with any 3.x .
I've loaded one into 3.2 and tested it there.
This should be solid. Labeled beta because I've been the only one to use it sofar.
Changes are backwards compatible. Internal changes and bug fixes only.

Release homepage:
SHA checksum: 598868966748026704985237242269750493602627208532
