Squeak/.NET Bridge

Release name: <Not entered>
Release summary: <Not entered>
Automatic version: 1
Manual version: R5
Published by: Ben Schroeder (bvs)
Created: 12 September 2003 10:36:01 pm
Last updated: 20 July 2004 10:04:49 pm
Release note:

This is the third release of our Squeak/.NET bridge.
It is a port from our Ruby/.NET bridge, and shares
a backend with that bridge; we decided to keep the
version numbers in sync for consistency.

This release includes

- global access to the bridge
- more automatic conversions between .NET and Squeak objects
- compatibility with more .NET collections

as well as other enhancements.

For more information on the changes in R5, please see our swiki:


Release homepage:
Download: http://www.saltypickle.com/rubyDotNet/uploads/18/SqueakDotNet.r5.sar
SHA checksum: 587422348298456562602942919484646674681443573243
