
Release name: <Not entered>
Release summary: <Not entered>
Automatic version: 5
Manual version: (19)
Published by: <Not published yet>
Created: 13 June 2004 8:31:30 pm
Last updated: 13 June 2004 8:31:30 pm
Release note:

Some API changes (call newRow on TableMorph and get back a new row, but it hasn't been added -- call addNewRow to get a new row added) as well as automatic column width detection. For now, it just considers the first 30 rows that are added to set column widths so as to not slow down large result sets beyond belief.

Still -- a general flyweight scheme needs to be employed so as to not create a hundred million morphs on large result sets.

Release homepage:
SHA checksum: 1265157831875023045355217032907899641943315368939
