
Release name: CommandShell
Release summary: A Unix style command shell with pipelines, written entirely In Squeak, works with OSProcess.
Automatic version: 8
Manual version: 4.2.3
Published by: Dave Lewis (dtl)
Created: 31 December 2007 9:17:28 pm
Last updated: 31 December 2007 9:17:28 pm
Release note:

Add #pipeline: and #pipeableProxyFor: convenience methods for creating process proxies and pipelines (CommandShell class category ''proxy creation'').

Change C and D event detection to not interpret as the same thing as . There was at least one combination of VM and and image for which the latter made sense, but it breaks cut and paste in the command shell window, which is not acceptable. For platforms/images in which C gets reported as event, this will just have to be treated as a bug (see Mantis 6827).

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SHA checksum: 74038727193922099465400434168642519234684727464
