Small Lint Failure

Release name: <Not entered>
Release summary: <Not entered>
Automatic version: 1
Manual version: 1.0
Published by: Hernan Wilkinson (HAW)
Created: 26 December 2005 1:06:38 pm
Last updated: 26 December 2005 1:10 pm
Release note:

To be able to run it from the refactoring browser, the following methods have to be changed:
RefactoringBrowser addClassSubMenuTo: aMenu
"Added to to support the small lint failure model"
add: 'expected failures on class...' translated action: #expectedSmallLintOnClass;
add: 'expected failures on class category...' translated action: #expectedSmallLintOnClassCategory;
add: 'expected failures on class hierarchy...' translated action: #expectedSmallLintOnClassHierarchy.
pkg ifNotNil: [lintSubMenu add: 'expected failures on package...' translated action: #expectedSmallLintOnPackageWithClassCategory].
"End of small lint failure model support"

RefactoringBrowser systemCategoryMenu: aMenu
"Added to integrate the browser with the small lint failures model - Hernan"
add: 'expected failures on class category...' translated action: #expectedSmallLintOnClassCategory;
add: 'expected failures on package...' translated action: #expectedSmallLintOnPackageWithClassCategory.
"End of addition"

Release homepage:
Download: Lint Failure-HAW.1.0.mcz
SHA checksum: 348694847503396408755318100771740886400602736343
