
Release name: WillYouStillNeedMe
Release summary: VMMaker for 3.8 - beta 5 release with 64bit goodness added. Use at your peril!
Automatic version: 11
Manual version: 3.8b5-64B
Published by: tim Rowledge (tpr)
Created: 31 December 2005 1:10:16 am
Last updated: 9 October 2006 6:10:40 pm
Release note:

Second version (nw obsolete and here only for historical reasons) of 'WillYouStillNeedMe' to introduce a new routine for munging filenames.
It builds, compiles and runs on RISC OS. It will require implementing a sqGetFilenameFromString() routine to replace the old-whatever sqFilenamefromString macro.

This is a first (ok, second) pass at releasing the 64bit clean VM changes to the masses. That means it might break things. It builds and compiles and runs on my RISC OS machine and that is the Only extensions, no changes guarantee.

There are undoubtedly things that will break on other platforms.

Some plugins are not fully converted. You'll find out which when compiling. Ask for help in fixing them. Floating point code is not converted yet; ask Dan for advice since it is his #flag: s that say so.

You will need to filein

SystemDictionary methodsFor: 'sources, change log' stamp: 'JMM 4/13/2005 20:35'!

"Answer the size (in bytes) of an object pointer."
"Smalltalk wordSize"

^[SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt: 40] on: Error do: [4]! !

SystemDictionary methodsFor: 'deprecated' stamp: 'tpr 4/27/2005 11:04'!

vmParameterAt: parameterIndex
"See comment for SmalltalkImagevmParameterAt:"

^ self deprecated: 'Use SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:'
block: [SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt: parameterIndex]
! !
until the code is finally in the mainline image.

Do not attempt to use the code in the unix SVN subtree under 'src'. It is now out of date.

Get SVN level 1284 or thereabouts and see what breaks. I took the opportunity of having the fileplugin code spread out on the floor to fix some stupid arg type floobs so your equivalent of FilePlugin/sqFilePluginBasicPrims.c will need amending.
Apologies if any badness crept in.

Release homepage:
Download: http://map.squeak.org/accountbyid/4340a66e-2296-48b7-9aa8-5305d303752f/files/VMMaker-tpr.43.mcz
SHA checksum: 210264590547901640668728756839967840994527345352
