
Release name: <Not entered>
Release summary: Exupery, a native code compiler for Squeak.
Automatic version: 10
Manual version: 0.10
Published by: Bryce Kampjes (wbk)
Created: 12 November 2006 5:07:46 pm
Last updated: 15 November 2006 9:10:27 pm
Release note:

This release provides a noticable speed improvement for a real macro benchmark and bug fixes.

arithmaticLoopBenchmark 1401 compiled 92 ratio: 15.228
bytecodeBenchmark 2139 compiled 459 ratio: 4.660
sendBenchmark 1580 compiled 683 ratio: 2.313
doLoopsBenchmark 1093 compiled 843 ratio: 1.297
largeExplorers 344 compiled 373 ratio: 0.922
compilerBenchmark 739 compiled 691 ratio: 1.069
Cumulative Time 4205.579 compiled 1443.468 ratio 2.914

Prebuilt VMs, images, and instructions can be found here: http://minnow.cc.gatech.edu/squeak/3945

Release homepage:
Download: http://www.squeaksource.com/Exupery/Exupery-wbk.219.mcz
SHA checksum: 467923465060769339508422856856153231162796050982
