Tric-P2P Chat

Summary: A peer-to-peer chat client
Author: Cees de Groot, Esq.
Owner: Cees de Groot (CdG)
Co-maintainers: <None>
PackageInfo name: Tric-P2P Chat
RSS feed:


Basing on the Aardworks-Gossip package, this chat client works on a fully decentralized peer-to-peer network. You make yourself available under your developer initials, and that's it - the network takes care of finding you, routing chats between you and the other guy, etcetera.

The underlying p2p infrastructure is new and untested. So far, it stood up against the awesome load of 7 nodes. In theory, it should scale to around 100,000 nodes. But bugs may rear their ugly head in this layer - this package is mostly a teaser to get more people on the network, and a use-case for the underlying code.

