Source for SMSqueakMapView>>default

	"Default request for the top view. Show the first page."

	| b loggedIn |
	b := self builder.
	b start; h1: 'SqueakMap';
		p: 'Welcome to <b>SqueakMap</b>!';
		p; html: (b getLinkLocal: 'help' text: 'SqueakMap'), ' is a catalog over <b>installable code packages</b> for ';
		link: '' text: 'Squeak'; html: '. Read more on the '; link: '' text: 'Squeak Swiki pages'; html: ' about SqueakMap.';
		p: 'So far <b>', model packages size fullPrintString, '</b> ',
			(b getLinkLocal: 'packagesbyname' text: 'Squeak packages'), ' and <b>',
			model accounts size fullPrintString, '</b> ',
			(b getLinkLocal: 'accountsbyname' text: 'SqueakMap accounts'), ' have been registered.'.
	b h2: 'Navigation'.
	b ul: {
		(b getLinkLocal: 'recentnew' text: 'New objects'), ' - See all new objects added in the last 30 days.'.
		(b getLinkLocal: 'packagesbyname' text: 'All packages sorted by name'), ' - See all registered packages.'.
		(b getLinkLocal: 'packagesbyregistration' text: 'All packages sorted by registration'), ' - See all registered packages.'.
		(b getLinkLocal: 'categories' text: 'Browse packages'), ' - Browse packages in the category hierarchy.'.
		(b getLinkLocal: 'categoriestree' text: 'Category tree'), ' - View the full category hierarchy.'.
	b h2: 'Accounts'.
	b ul: {
		(b getLinkLocal: 'accountsbyname' text: 'All accounts sorted by name'), ' - See all registered accounts.'.
		(b getLinkLocal: 'accountsbyinitials' text: 'All accounts sorted by developer initials'), ' - See all registered accounts.'.
		(b getLinkLocal: 'newaccount' text: 'Get account'), ' - Get a personal account on SqueakMap. Needed to publish packages.'.
		(b getLinkLocal: 'account' text: 'My SqueakMap account'), ' - Your account homepage.'}.
	loggedIn := self accountsLoggedIn.
	loggedIn isEmpty ifFalse: [
		b h2: 'Logged in now'.
		b ol: self accountsLoggedIn do: [:acc |
			b html: (self accountLink: acc) , ' - ', acc summary ]].

"	b h2: 'Categories and more'.
	b ul: {
		(b getLinkLocal: 'admin' text: 'Administer'), ' - Administer the SqueakMap. <b>Requires password</b>.'.
		(self getLinkLocal: 'analyzeupdate' text: 'Analyze update'), ' - Show some numbers about the current largest slave map update possible.'