Puzzle Pieces

Release name: Puzzle Pieces
Release summary: stackable puzzle pieces for 'Scratch'-like user interfaces
Automatic version: 3
Manual version: 0.3
Published by: Jens Moenig (jens)
Created: 26 November 2007 3:13:49 pm
Last updated: 26 November 2007 3:17:26 pm
Release note:

A set of generic morph classes crafted to look and behave like stackable puzzle pieces with a string label. These can be used to build 'snapping blocks' based user interfaces like in 'Scratch'.

New in this version: PuzzlePieces are stackable and nestable. Nested pieces can be collapsed and expanded, like tree nodes.

To get a feel for it evaluate the demo: 'PuzzleMorph demo'

Release homepage:
Download: http://map.squeak.org/accountbyid/9c9c23db-68a3-429b-b78c-dd76c31aac29/files/jens-puzzle-collapsable.st
SHA checksum: 167995506764429644425539571396198287840472812393
