
Release name: <Not entered>
Release summary: Release beta1
Automatic version: 1
Manual version: beta1
Published by: Adrian Lienhard (al)
Created: 25 April 2004 6:08:22 pm
Last updated: 10 March 2005 11:44:33 am
Release note:

* Prerequisite package: Monticello *

Traits Release beta1

Over the last months we have been working on a new stable implementation of Traits in Squeak. This is the first public beta release. Please note that this version features a new language kernel that supports all the necessary features for creating and composing traits, but that there are still many features missing that are absolutely crucial for getting the real "traits experience". (See the limitations section below).

Please find more information and papers about Traits at:

Our implementation consists of the following parts:

As an alternative you can also use the normal fileOut mechanism which supports traits as well.


The implementation is available as a SAR file on SqueakMap. It is tested in a new fresh 3.7b image. Prerequisite packages are Monticello and the newest version of PackageInfo.

Beside loading the kernel and the modified Monticello and OmniBrowser there will also be KCP-0220-ClassOrganizerFixAndCleanup.14.cs loaded because this change is not in the update stream yet.

Please note, that the installation takes about 30 Minutes (depending on the speed of your machine) because it needs to recompile all the classes in the image. (This is a consequence of the fact that we had to change the format of the kernel classes.)

Getting Started

Open the Traits OmniBrowser: World Menu - open - Traits Browser
Create a new trait: Open the context menu in the class/trait pane and select "create trait..."


- There are no virtual categories that present the conflicts and glue methods of a composite class/trait.
- There is no automatic computation of requirements
- There is no information that shows which traits/classes provide or require the currently selected methods
- There is no support for turning classes into trait
- etc.

Release homepage:
SHA checksum: 555927528717089336934033040829196544696279254937
