
Release name: <Not entered>
Release summary: <Not entered>
Automatic version: 1
Manual version: (25)
Published by: <Not published yet>
Created: 25 January 2006 3:06:53 am
Last updated: 25 January 2006 3:06:53 am
Release note:

Name: Hermes-emf.25
Author: emf
Time: 24 January 2006, 7:42:15 pm
UUID: 0f7d5c61-eb77-40f6-a552-18a61a62b8e6
Ancestors: Hermes-emf.24

Developers Release (wear a hard hat ;-)

Build in a Tweak 1.2 590 (Squeak 3.8-6665 image).
Requires the SOAP, SoXML, and XML-Parser packages from SqueakSource.

This version fixes a minor bug (creating a Trash mailbox when one is not found in the target account), and includes integrated support classes to enable Hermes to be run in a web browser via the NPSqueak plugin (

The package requires several changes be applied to various Squeak/Tweak classes to produce the browser-enabled version. These changes are delivered in the file:


IMPORTANT: File-ing in this change set changes the behavior of both Squeak and Tweak during startup, changes event scheduling, possibly some character mapping etc. The image may not behave itself when not in the browser. DO NOT APPLY THIS TO AN IMAGE YOU HAVEN'T BACKED UP! To finalize the browser-enabled version, open a workspace and evaluate:

HermesUpdater new imagePrepForUpdates.

If you install the EToys distribution from Squeakland (which you'll need to run the browser enabled version), you simply replace the image 'SqueakPlugin.image' with your image (renaming it to 'SqueakPlugin.image'; add your like-named .changes, a SqueakV3.sources file), and your image will run in the browser pointed to:

Also included is a file containing Canard (the low level IMAP plug-in) compiled for Mac OS X, WIndows, and Linux:

This file will expand in the default directory. This location should be adequate for all platforms.

(We're working on a monolithic distro that contains VM, image, Canard all installed as a bundle for the public distribution.)

To start Hermes in the stand-alone image, open a Tweak Browser Window, open a Workspace, and evaluate:

SessionController new openAt: 10@10.

Release homepage:
SHA checksum: nil
