Release name: SVI v.2.0 beta1
Release summary: mostly misc bug fixes, some tiny feature tweaks (see release note)
Automatic version: 6
Manual version: (2.0beta-1)
Published by: <Not published yet>
Created: 31 March 2004 6:08:55 pm
Last updated: 31 March 2004 6:09:33 pm
Release note:

CHANGES FOR 2.0beta1

have th ''i'' and ''s'' commands.) This command was getting a bit overloaded, and these
two options in particular were a bit confusing. In a future release, I will add ''drill down''
into methods that appear in SVI menus so that you can do all the method menu options.

Release homepage:
SHA checksum: 1104631969941832465899881339701954605641181838432
