Freetype/2 Font Demo

Release name: Minor change from v4
Release summary: (See note if you installed v4) Working with or without plugin; fixed character mapping and point sizes. Fixed 16-bit display in menus. Added arrows.
Automatic version: 4
Manual version: 5
Published by: Ned Konz (nk)
Created: 26 March 2004 4:30:10 pm
Last updated: 26 March 2004 4:47:49 pm
Release note:

This release is the same as v4 but fixes a minor problem with a missing instance variable in CharacterScanner.

If you installed v4, you DO NOT HAVE TO INSTALL THIS.
You can make the fix and mark v5 as installed by doing this: Select the lines below between the quote (") marks and type Alt-d or Cmd-d (or open the context menu and choose 'do it'):

(CharacterScanner instVarNames includes: #advanceTable)
ifFalse: [ CharacterScanner addInstVarName: 'advanceTable' ].
((SMSqueakMap default packageWithId: 'e308b3cc-24f3-4557-8db4-d71776bc8014' ) releaseWithVersion: '5') noteInstalled.

Notes from v4:

This should work well with or without the plugin.
Fixed the 16-bit display problems in menus.
Added the ability to make copies of the installed fonts with Squeak arrows.
Now uses MacRoman character mapping.

Release homepage:
SHA checksum: 1268922573989156458236098714586119905741952032780
